No Turning Back…

  The story of Lot’s wife sums up all too well the important lesson God was trying to teach regarding SELF. His instructions to Lot were to flee Sodom and Gomorrah and not look back, literally. However, Lot’s wife was so absorbed in all that she left that...

Thankful for 2020?

When recalling the year of 2020, being thankful can prove difficult when the narrative has been death, distance, division and the difficulties that accompany them. This is a time when it seems that good news is in short supply and truth is relative. How does one give...

In 2020, What Should I Be Thankful for?

  The euphonic ancestor, Mya Angelou once stated, “Be present in all things and thankful for all things”. The other day in preparation to enter into the season of Thanksgiving, I asked one of my children considering all that has transpired in the year 2020, what...

I Choose Jesus.

I know this may not be a popular piece, but as a pastor, I am fully convicted that one of my assignments is in a sense “prophetic” … That is to “inflict the comfortable and to comfort the afflicted.” The oracles of God must be declared without thought to...