Hey, TLC Kidz!
We surely do miss seeing you, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on having fun while learning about our favorite hero in every story, (nooo not Thor) God! Here you will find BIble lessons to complete through the week along with fun activities, games, comic books, and even cool experiments (parents we apologize for any messes that may occur in advance).
Connect With Us
We hope you can take a few moments to review the lesson and gather the materials if any are needed for that days fun! So come, join us on our TLC Kidz Zoom call, we can’t wait to see you! To sign up for more information about our Zoom call or ask any questions, click the corresponding button below. See you Saturday afternoons and remember we love you and there’s nothing you can do about

Weekly Lesson
** Black History Month (new lesson)**
This KIDZ Church lesson is intended to provide resources to educate around issues related to the multiplity of historical achivements of African-Americans for Black History Month.
Downloadable Resources:
A-Z African American visionaries
Civil Right leaders
The Underground railroad
Thurgood Marshall worksheets
Ruby Bridges worksheets
The Fight to Egypt
This KIDZ Church video teaches a lesson from Matthew 2 about Mary and Joseph and their flight to Egypt! After the wise men left, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and warned him that King Herod wanted to kill Jesus. The angel told Joseph to take Mary and the baby to Egypt and to wait there until it was safe.
Downloadable Resources:
Digital Comic
Crossword Puzzle
Spot the difference
Word Search
The Wisemen
Matthew 2:1-12 tells the inspiring story the Wise Men (Magi) as they are led by a miraculous star on the journey of a lifetime. This journey takes The Magi to Jerusalem, the courts of King Herod, and finally to Bethlehem where they worship Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Your kids will discover that all who seek Jesus will find him!
Downloadable Resources:
Word search
Crossword puzzle
Coloring page
Spot the difference
Mary & Joseph – A Christmas Story
This captivating Christmas story is seen through the eyes of Mary and Joseph. It begins with an angelic proclamation of the birth of Jesus, moves the the courts of the evil king Herod, and ends with mysterious Wise Men from the East.
Downloadable Resources:
Crossword puzzle
Spot the Difference
Word Search
Give Thanks!
The story of II Chronicles 20 is a great lesson for Thanksgiving and a wonderful way for kids to explore the importance of gratitude. This lesson includes a video, a worship song, artwork, memory verse, a big idea and much more!
Downloadable Resources:
Word search puzzle
Crossword puzzle
Spot the Difference
Bible Maze
A Song of Thanksgiving
Psalm 107 describes people who found themselves in bad situations of sin, sickness, danger and evil. In every circumstance these people called out to the Lord for help, and the Lord rescued them by his mighty power! This Bible lesson is a powerful reminder that we should always be thankful for who God is and all that he does for us.
Downloadable Resources:
Sibling Rivalry (Jacob & Esau)
The story of Jacob & Esau taken from Genesis 25-27 is perfect for children with siblings. It covers the difficult relationship between two brothers, who become rivals. The rivalry starts out as a competion that eventually ends up leading to serious conflit which divides their family.
Downloadable Resources:
A Lesson on Friendship
The story of David and Jonathan from I Samuel 18, 19 is the story of what true friendship means.
Downloadable Resources:
The Story of Joseph
This story of Joseph the Prince of Egypt Bible video for kids will transport your children into the epic life of Joseph the dreamer. Based on the Biblical account in Genesis 37-50 this kid’s Bible lesson covers Joseph and his coat, Joseph’s brothers, Joseph in Egypt, and much more!
Downloadable Resources: