1. Invest Time in Talking to God
If Prayer can be defined in its most basic sense as, having a conversation with God (about any and everything).
Then who better to talk to about all of the woes and sorrows due to this pitiful pandemic than God? Who better to draw encouragement, resiliency, and hope from than Him?
You can do this by yourself, with a partner, or a group; the goal is the same! – Here’s a great prayer app that allows you to keep track of the things you are praying for, people you are praying with, and you can invite friends to intercede and agree together in prayer with you. It’s really worth checking out! – CLICK HERE
2. Seek Wisdom in God’s Word
There all kinds of free bible reading plans out there that can help you get started. Look below.
Regardless of whichever way you go about it, the best to nourish your soul is to receive the proper spiritual nutrients from God’s Word!
3. Enjoy Connecting in Community
Life is way better when we live it as God intended (together)! Even though we are limited in our capacity to safely gather with others, we can leverage the technology at our disposal to develop new meaningful ways of connection.
We can try a thread prayer group, an online bible study or small (support) group, and of course as always there is virtual church/worship.
Even something as simple and small as YouTube worship video may be a great way to “steal away” for a moment and connect back to the source of Life and Strength as you recenter!
4. Explore Opportunities to Serve
God gave us His most prized possession in His Son, Jesus.
We can follow His example of selflessness by generously giving our Time, Talents, and Financial Resources to His church and people who are in need.
Don’t forget the words of Jesus – “Where treasure is, there your heart will also be.” [Matthew 6:21]