How to Pray for Your Family
Needless to say, these are very challenging times that we are living in. Given that reality, we wanted to share some inspiration and encouragement with you to continue to cover your family in prayer.
So, we’ve created 4 prayer types for families. Pick a prayer that fits your family situation, pray over your relationships, you may even decide to post it somewhere prominent in your personal space.
Don’t forget the best time to pray is RIGHT NOW!
A Prayer for families with young children
Dear God,
I know that my children have been given to me as a gift from You. Help me to see them that way regardless of the situation I am in. Raising them is hard! So, when I feel exhausted, empty, or ill-equipped, remind me that Your presence and power is available to me. When I’m overwhelmed give me the grace to endure each situation I face. You have chosen me for this sacred responsibility, and I believe I can do All things through Your strength!
In Jesus name,
A Prayer for families with teenagers
Dear God,
Please show me how to love my teenager in a way that represents your love toward them. As they express more independence, give me discernment. And as they express deeper emotions, give me the wisdom and patience to respond with grace. Shape them and mold them into the person You’ve called and created them to be. And while they are in process, please guard their hearts. Let their identity always be grounded in You!
In Jesus name,
A Prayer for Blended Families
Dear God,
You know exactly what our family needs both collectively and individually. You know how hard it is to combine two families into one. But you also have establish a blessing in the process. Help me to believe and receive that, even in the difficult days. As we figure out how to lead this family together, please bless our marriage and home. Help us to create meaningful bonds with each family member. Draw us each closer to You and one another.
In Jesus name,
A Prayer for Adult Children
Dear God,
I need your help to navigate the relationships with my children as the grow older. Help me to listen with openness more than I speak and instruct. Before I rush to fix their problems, help me to come to You first. Protect and establish your promises in these adults. And as you do that, help me to trust Your process. Give me the peace that comes from knowing that my children are always in Your care. They are Yours forever!
In Jesus name,